14 November, 2009

I have craft ADD.

Anyway, nothing really cool is happening other than on Wednesday I'm going up to Warner Hot springs with my parents to my mom's friend Kathy's house. My dad is planting her a garden. We get to go into a hot spring...I've never been, so I have no idea what to expect. But it will be warm and I like that.

I entered some photos into the photo contest at OCC. I also asked one of my professors her opinion on my work and she seemed to like it so that makes me happy. I just really need to get out and start shooting. I have all this artistic energy and it's making me want to felt things and make hydrosol and live on a lavender farm. Shauna? Shauna's friends? Lauren? Laura? Anyone else that might be interested?

My room is in limbo. I have to wait for my brother to remove the mirror from the wall AND I still need to get paint and oh god why it is almost Christmas?! I DONT EVEN HAVE WRAPPING PAPER AND THE HAPPY TAPE I WANTED IS SOLD OUT. CHRIST. CHRIST. DAMMIT.


The Happiest Tape.

but not as happy as this Tape. (my cat is named Tape..long story.)



  1. Ah! You just changed my life with Happy Tape! I want!

    And can we craft stuff soon?

  2. i'm always up for a photo shoot. I'm off sunday (tomorrow) wednesday and friday.

  3. umm yes to being friends and crafty and shooting...well cameras not things...k call em tom or les do monday?
